fredag 27. juli 2007

The Big Move 2

Firstly, I have made a decision. I have been in doubt whether to write in Norwegian or English in this blog. And I´ve decided to use English, because I personally think it´s annoying when I´m prevented from understanding other people´s blogs because they´re in Russian or Chinese. Very few people (comparably) understand Norwegian, while English is slightly more international. And anyway, I enjoy writing English - I read it a lot, but seldom write it. There´ll probably be misspellings and such, but never mind that. (When I´m fed up I might write in Norwegian, though)

Anyway, as this month of July has been pretty cold weather-wise, I certainly feel that we´re getting acclimatized to the temperatures in Longyearbyen. But I nourish a small hope of proper summer-temperatures in August, before we start the final journey northwards. Pretty soon we´ll cram ourselves into the car filled with luggage for a year - and head for Nordfjord, then to Trondheim and Bodø. In Bodø the car will be sent onwards on a cargo ship. We can´t go with it – we´ll have to go by plane. On August the 13th we´ll land in Svalbard, and hopefully some peace and order will enter our lives. Most of these two last months have been filled with packing and planning for Svalbard, and even if there is a strange kind of satisfaction in emptying the house, it is also BORING.

These days my Bachelor-project from the Bergen Art School is shown at Galleri Format in the centre of Bergen, photos and information can be seen here and here. Last chance to see – it´ll be removed soon!

I am looking forward to the journey along the coast northwards, but grey skies and rain will be a disappointment. But whatever the weather I´ll try to take photos to show you all. If I figure out how to publish them here. And I will.

lørdag 21. juli 2007

The Big Move 1

Dette er første forsøk på å publisere blogginnlegg, så bær over med meg. Jeg har ennå ikke helt bestemt meg om hvordan dette skal gjøres, så ting kan endre seg underveis.

Vi har altså ikke reist enda, men nedtellingen er i gang. Vi reiser om (omtrent) nøyaktig 13 dager og 10 timer. Eller noe sånt. Og da skal vi bruke 11 dager på turen! Men mer om den senere.

Uventede problemstillinger har dukket opp underveis - som at nettsiden til folkeregisteret ikke godkjenner gateadressen vi har fått i Longyearbyen (vei 238 - hva kan være enklere?) Og hva gjør vi med hensyn til valget? Kommunevalg i Longyearbyen? Eller i Bergen? Som vi må melde flytting fra?

Dette finner vi ut av!