torsdag 10. januar 2008

Construction sites indoors and out

Lego is extremely popular in this house, among the young and the not so young. Thomas and Peter build boats and planes and cars and police stations and cranes and airports and you name it, while us parents are thankful that lego exists in the world. It offers a neverending source of creativity, during the very dark and sometimes very cold winter-days.

But at the moment there´s construction going on out in the darkness too: William and the kids (with the help of neighbours from time to time), are building igloos in the back-yard. With head-torches they´ve been working methodically for several days - their ambition is a little village of igloos.

With luck we´ll have no more warm weather for some time, so these still stand when we can admire them in proper daylight. Which is on it´s way, or so the rumor goes:-)

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