1. I don´t miss our kitchen in Bergen as such, but I miss the microwave-oven, and I particularly miss the induction top on our stove. The electrical top in this house is painstakingly slow – I find myself checking again and again whether it actually works. Induction is the future, everyone!
2. I went on a school trip with Thomas´ class earlier this week, to the sea shore. A seal lazily swims by, quite near the beach, and I am the only one who notice. Unsure whether this is as common as gulls around here, at first, I only call Thomas, carefully: ”Come here! Look at THAT!”, but then I decide to give the teacher a call as well.
Casually: ”Hey, there´s a ... uhmm .. seal here.”
”A SEAL?! Look here everyone, there´s a seal here, come and look!!!”
And the whole class comes running as one. Not that common, then.
I think it was a Storkobbe (bearded seal), by the way.
3. It appears that I am not allowed to buy beer or hard liquer at the local Vinmonopolet, because I don´t have a card provided by my employer (I don´t have an employer) that allows me to. I can buy as much wine as I like, ’though.
There might be some kind of logic to this, but I don´t know what kind of.
4. Recently I was shopping, in the shop where everyone in town do their shopping. Lots of people look familiar by now, so when I pass this guy who I feel I´ve seen before, I think - where do I know him from? The school? UNIS? I rack my brain, and then suddenly realize: it´s the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jonas Gahr Støre.
5. Last Tuesday, Thomas, on his bike, almost crashed into a reindeer.
6. Underneath you´ll find a couple of photos from our recent visit to the best restaurant in town, "Huset". It has one of the best wine cellars in the Northern hemisphere, but William and I weren´t dazzled by that. We just ordered "red wine", and that´s what we got. It was really good too! And the food was excellent, although we felt the kids didn´t appreciate it properly. They prefer hamburgers.The pictures were taken with my mobile phone, so that explains the poor quality.
lørdag 1. september 2007
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2 kommentarer:
Fikk Jonas kjøpe øl...? :-)
Haha - det vet jeg ikke, han var i suveniravdelingen. Gaver til fruen og barna tenker jeg!
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