lørdag 29. mars 2008

Lunch at the cape

Thursday we had lunch at Kapp Linné, or Isfjord Radio, which is more than 80 km south of here. It took us nearly 3 hours to get there and 2 hours and a half going back - on snowmobiles. Temperature was around -20 when we started, and it was a little hazy, but the weather got better and better. By afternoon, we even imagined to feel some warmth from the sun.

Here´s pictures:

Isfjord Radio.

Nice lunch - from left Cathy, Alvar, me and William. You can frequently see polar bears walking past on the outside, but no such luck today.

I was surprised that the standard was so (relatively) high - I´d imagined the place to be a lot more primitive. Here´s from one of the guest rooms.

Looking back as we left. Isfjord Radio in the middle, on the left.

Looking across Grønnfjorden to Barentsburg.

A stop to have a look at this beautiful Russian cabin in Grønnfjorden. Which turned out to be open.

But not so nice inside...

Astronauts returning to their spacecrafts...!

Yes, you do feel like an astronaut sometimes, in all that heavy gear. This is me (notice my cheerful smile).

We have only one snowmobile these days, as the other one is at the garage, so William drove with me on the backseat. Just as well maybe - if I was the driver, it would have taken us ages to get there, I´m a sloow driver. But being passenger is not very comfortable, particularly not downhill.

Crossing Colesdalen. Kapp Laila is somewhere in the middle, a long way off.

It feels quite ridiculous to go all that way just to have a look at some isolated houses - not really my kind of thing. But that´s what many people here (and tourists) do - they drive for hours to some spot, then turn and go home. Of course, you get to see many beautiful areas on the way, but you seldom have time to stop and have a proper look.

Still, I´m glad I´ve tried it. Been there, done that. Wrote a blog entry to prove it.

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