torsdag 23. august 2007

An illusion of safety

I´ve frequently thought (since we came here) that this is a rather unsafe place to be. Quite recently it was down to 1 degree celsius, and it was actually snowing (though most of it thawed at once). So, I suppose, if I went for a walk a couple of kilometers away from Longyearbyen, fell and broke a leg and no one knew where I was, I might actually freeze to death. And this is during summer-time - in winter it goes down to 30.

Or let´s say I was in an inflatable boat (like a Zodiac), and an angry male walrus came along, and waved his big pointy teeth about, he might punch a hole in the boat so that I sank into freezing cold water and died. It has been known to happen (at least the hole-in-the-boat bit), and the walrus population is growing.

Or, if I get bitten by (very unlikely), or touch grass that´s been in touch with the droppings from a polar fox (more likely), infected with the parasite Echinococcus multilocularis (say that quickly 3 times!), I might get infected in turn. Then, in 15-20 years, I might die from liver failure. I´m not exaggerating, check here.

What else? Oh yes, polar bears. World´s largest carnivore. Unpredictable, and all over the place.

But we all know that living is quite dangerous, and living in the polar areas require special precautions - so why mention it now? The reason is that I´ve been to a very informative safety course, arranged by UNIS.

First we were told a lot of scary facts about Svalbard, about glaciers and walruses and stuff, and then we did a bit of shooting - and I am, as I suspected, no Annie Oakley. The rifle (a Ruger M77), scared me not a little bit - I mean, a rifle is a lot more dangerous than a polar bear, and yet they let me handle it! But in a given situation I might have to handle it, so the more I know the better, I suppose.

It was a tiny bit fun too, to shoot.

The 3 photos underneath from the shooting range are not very good, I was with a big group (of teachers from Longyearbyen skole) and didn´t have much time for taking pictures. William and I will probably go back and practice sometime soon, so hopefully more photos then.

Yes, the white patch there is fresh snow. It was freezing.

But wait, I´ve forgot to mention another danger. The terns are pretty vicious at the moment, attacking at the slightest provocation (like when a human being is strolling by). This blurry picture is one of them going at me yesterday, as I was walking innocently on the road near the fjord.

But at least they´re not deadly. I think.

And luckily, there are these signs to stop the bear from entering Longyearbyen. That gives the most soothing illusion of safety.

2 kommentarer:

Simen sa...

Ja du Anne, farer finns over alt. Men hvor mange mennesker blir spist opp av isbjörner hvert år? Jeg tror at trafikken er minst like farlig. Og folk som kjörer i fylla eller lider av alt for stor selvtillit i trafikken må väre mye farligere enn isbjörner, tror jeg da....
Hvordan er maten der oppe forresten, finnes det noen lokale spesialiteter? Finnes det blåbär på Svalbard?

Pihlippa sa...

Ingen blåbær på svalbard - bare litt blomster, gress og mose. Og litt sopp.

Og visst er det statistisk mer farlig med trafikk! Veps er farligere enn isbjørn ... Men vi må fortsatt ha skytevåpen med oss på tur, og det er jamen meg uvant!